By Paul Mortfield and Stef Cancelli
Captured from SRO
RCOS 16" f/8.9 using an Apogee U16
Paramount ME
LRGB - Astrodon Filters 7.5 hours total
CCAP, CCD Stack, MaxIm DL, Photoshop CS3
Adventures in Astrophotography from a light polluted jungle... Toronto, Canada
Toronto, ON, Canada July 3rd through Aug 3rd, 2008
VC200L @ f9, 1800mm
Takahashi EM200
HaCRGB of 120:180:60:60:60 - 8 hours total
Unbinned Clear Filter, Unbinned Ha filter, Binned RGB
MaxIm DL, PixInsight LE, Photoshop CS3